Just recollection of my thoughts...nothing serious.
Thinking allowed(aloud)
Ranting or emo if you must
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Last Evening almost before knock off time I got a call from my son, who is working just next door. We work for the same boss but a different factory. He is attached at the Palm oil mill, whereas I am in the Palm oil refinery plant. Anyway he asked if I wanted to catch a movie after work? So I said I don't mind. So after work we headed for the theatre, and as usuall he is the one who does the talking most of the time. And he goes something like this "dad you pay ok? And I told him noway. you invited me you pay. Then he goes like that ah then go home lor. And I said ok lor and he make a u-turn to head back to our house. Not satisfied he make one last attempt, "dont like that la Dad. Last time I treat you now you treat me only fair ma.? Just a couple of days ago we were at another town to watch the transformer. He loved it I did not. Now how to refuse a plea like that so I said ok la. So we went to the movie. Both of us enjoyed the movie. I always enjoy doing things with my son. He is such a kid at time.
would you believe it he is already 29.! And you know what? Green lantern is also one of my favourite super heroes.(well we are all a kid at heart LOL) I used to talk about it for hours with my best friend and even lost track of the the time until my mother have to come looking for me. Yea I admit I am mummy's boy. Perhaps I will talk about this in another blog another time.
I think I have fallen in love with the lovely actress, Blake Lively who played Carol Ferris. I am
now her confirm fan.
Here is the trailer . Go and catch it if you have not seen it yet.
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