Monday, July 25, 2011


For the past few days I just could not post any comments on my blog. I thank all my friends who came to my aid with your suggestions . Tried so many ways still could not figure it out. Given google and tried out all the tips given,still could not get it work. Even thought it might have been the template which I changed and revert back to the original template. Still same result. Finally I tried using another browser. I was using firefox, which is still my favourite browser. What do you know it works! The moment I log into my blog and saw the pencil image I knew it will work. Just to share so that in case any of you guys have the same problem like mine , try a different browser. During the time I was unable to comment I was thinking of switching to another blog service like wordpress.  Apart from Caroline anyone else is using this?  What about other blog service?  Which is better and easier to use? I have been using blogger since I started my blog and so accustom to it, and to change now will means alot of adjustment and getting use to the new site. But sometimes changes are necessary right?


  1. hi..glad tat ur problem is resolved..i'm quite new in blogspot. just started blogging in March.. so far i find blogspot ok and easy to maintain =)

  2. Ying Ying,
    blogger is easier to use I guess and has better template. I have managed to export my blog to wordpress, but somehow still return to blogger.

  3. Glad you've found a way to solve your problem and thanks for sharing it here :)

    I've been using blogspot and only blogspot since the day I started blogging. I haven't got the extra time to explore other blog services.

  4. Yvonnne,
    you are welcome. well I guess I will stick to blogspot though it still does not works with firefox now. still dont know why.

  5. Glad to know that your blog's problem is resolved!

  6. Hayley,
    not totally though. it still not working when i use firefox. i had no problem before this
