Sunday, April 12, 2015


Ever since, I saw my friends' posting on the pinncles, mulu, I was attracted to it's beauty and wanted to make a trip there. The day finally came, and I was able to fullfilled my dream from April 4th till 7th, 2015.Thanks to my beloved body combat instrutor, Irene Ang, who made all the arrangement. We left Klia2 on Air asia to miri, and connected with mas wing, which is only half an hour flight.

From the airport we were pcked up by our guides to the mulu national park, where we stayed for a night. We had some activities like watching the bats and the next morning we did some cave exporing before we head to camp 5, which is near to the pinnacles.It was a long 9km hike to our camp site.

We started our hike at 6.00am. and reach the peak around 11.00am ,stayed for half an hour before making our way down. Make it around 4.10pm

Here are some of the photos of my trip.

waiting for the bats to appear

boat ride to camp 5

natives taking bath by the river

some of the souvenirs sold by the Penan tribe.

a river stream in front of camp 5

this is the mini pinaccles

climbing up one of the 17 ladders

I made it