Thursday, June 30, 2011


It was almost knock off time, so I went to the rest room to ease my self before I hit the road home. Then my phone rang, and I could not answer is just then as both my hands were occupied, and when I  had finished my little call, I picked up my phone to answer, but the caller had hung up. I checked to see who the caller was, it was my 宝儿(my precious daughter) . So I quickly called her back to check the reason for her call. She was just checking if I had already recovered from my back injury. We talked a bit as I filled her in on my progress.  It has been three weeks since that accident, after two visits to the doctor plus numerous massage, I am now feeling much better,but not completly though and at times it hurts  (on my leg)when ever I get up or stand too long. Before she hung up she requested that I should lay off hiking for a while at least until I am fully recovered.I will take your kind advice my dear girl.
 I am glad you call.Getting her call always warmed my heart,especially now since we are miles apart.
What a coincident a friend whom I will be meeting for the first time in mid month of July also enquired about my back and even told me taking care of my back was more important. The mountain can wait , as it will always be there.

Monday, June 20, 2011


I know father's day is already over, but this article which I received in my mail this morning is very interesting and I just must share it.

He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers … Malachi 4:6a (NIV)
D-Depend on God!
Start each day asking God to give you the wisdom and strength to be the best dad you can be.  Never ever sacrifice your family on the altar of work. Yes, God is first in your life, but your family is second, and work is third.  This also means stop looking at your phone during dinner or emailing while watching TV.  My kids know when I'm engaged and when I'm just in the room.

A-Always Love Them!
Give your kids a hug and tell them you love them each and every day. No matter what age, hug them and talk to them.  Don't replace authentic love with texting and emails.  Use your voice and use your arms to convey love.  It will reassure them that they are your priority.  If you don't know the love languages of your kids, learn them so you can connect with them through the way God wired them.

D-Devote Your Time!
Kids spell love T-I-M-E, so make time to be with them. I don't know what this means for you and your kids, but find a way to give your kids the best part of your day (instead of the leftovers). It is too easy to slip into busyness and allow other things to suck your day away.  Be deliberate in finding ways to give your kids your time.

I hope these reminders help strengthen your relationship with God and your kids.  God gives us the gift of fatherhood, and we need to fight to be the best we can be. 

Original article found here

Sunday, June 19, 2011