Thursday, December 31, 2009

saying goodbye to 2009

Today is December 31st, 2009.In another 15 hours we will ursher in a new year 2010. So what does end of the year means to most people? Some will continue their end of the year shopping,no doubt. Many more will hang around in various places to count down and greet the new year. Christains will congregated in churches for their watch night service and welcome the new year.Hopefully things will be more promising than this year.
Some people will make resolutions for the new year. I have stop making them, since it is pointless to made them if I are not able to keep them.
Looking back even though 2009 has not been that great, but it has not been that bad either. The worst thing I faced was I had to retired .I will count my blessing instead and think of the wonderful things. I think the best thing I can say was straint relationship was restored with someone dear. I manage to suggest a friendship between to unlikely individual. I wished their new found friendship will continue to grow. Even though I had retired from work, but I still received calls from my previous office mates seeking advice.I put up with them for a while until yesterday, I had to put my foot down and told them politely I had retired and therefore it was not right for me to be giving them advice from now on. Sure it might sound abit cruel, and selfish on my part,but that is the only way they can be independent.I think I jogged more this year that ever, and certainly spent more time with my beloved god daughter in 2009.
Lastly I want to say life is good and I am grateful for friends, family and those I loved and are dear to my heart.
Happy New year 2010 and God's rich blessing be upon you.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Just returned from a most wonderful church camp at Cameron Highland. was there from 11th dec till 13th december, 2009. I can't remember when was the last time I have been there. It must have been at least more than 15 years. I packed most of my clothing but left out the most Essential item, a sweater. It was very cold at night out there and in the hall ,when they have to put on the air conditioner during the service. I tried to bare it ,but could not take it any longer and went to a nearby shop the next day to get a sweater. cost me RM29.00, which was quite expensive. We stayed at the equitorial hotel,which was the same hotel I stayed when I was here many many years ago.
This was the most relax camp I ever been, only two service one after breakfast and the other one after dinner, so leaving the afternoon free for the campers to go around. Since I was depending another friend's transport and he was only able to
leave on the second day of the camp, I have to missed the first day. when we arrived, I was informed my two room mates had to leave early ,so I got the whole room all to myself. I tried to jog the next morning, I found that I could not run for very long due to the cold weather. My hands was cold and I had to return to the hotel after a short distant.I did try out the gym,but most of the equipment was not in working condition,so gave up about the whole idea of working out at the gym. Sunday came by quickly and it was time to pack up and head for home. On our way back we stopped by two tea plantations, a bee farm and a orchid farm. Reached home around 7.30pm.
Here are some of the photos from this memorable trip.

the hotel,where we stayed

strawberry park

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cherokee Legend

An interesting article which I received in the mail.I had read this before and would like to share this and hope you will be encouraged.

Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian youth's rite of Passage?

His father takes him into the forest, blindfolds him an leaves him alone. He is required to sit on a stump the whole night and not remove the blindfold until the rays of the morning sun shine through it. He cannot cry out for help to anyone.

Once he survives the night, he is a MAN.

He cannot tell the other boys of this experience, because each lad must come into manhood on his own.

The boy is naturally terrified. He can hear all kinds of noises. Wild beasts must surely be all around him . Maybe even some human might do him
harm. The wind blew the grass and earth, and shook his stump, but he satstoically, never removing the blindfold. It would be the only way he could become a man!
Finally, after a horrific night the sun appeared and he removed his blindfold.

It was then that he discovered his father sitting on the stump next to him.
He had been at watch the entire night, protecting his son from harm.

We, too, are never alone.
Even when we don't know it, God is watching over us, Sitting on the stump beside us.
When trouble comes, all we have to do is reach out to Him.

Moral of the story:
Just because you can't see God,
Doesn't mean He is not there.
"For we walk by faith, not by sight."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Just returned back from the airport after dropping my god daughter,snow and her two friends. She will be away for a week in Taiwan. And I will be missing her for a long week. How am I to pass time without her?? Who will accompany me for meals, or jog with me? Just hope the days will passed by quickly. Good thing I will be going for church camp this coming friday till sunday. so this ought to keep me occupied till tuesday when I will meet her at the airport.Can't wait for that day.Things will be back to normal when she returns.
Got to pack my things and get ready for the camp.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I was on the way this morning to pick up my precious(宝贝 )from her office at Aeon shopping center for breakfast ,when I received a call from my wife asking where had I left her car key. I dug into my pocket,oops it was her car key. I had used her car the previous night for movie and forgot to leave the car key on the table for her.Funny I remember puting her other stuff like her Id card and driving licence, but forgot all about the car key.So I have to make a quick trip back home to hand over her car key, and drove back to Aeon shopping center again to pick up my sweetheart. We had breakfast at Mr Kaya,Bukit Tinggi which just open recently. The service was poor and the food was a disappointment as well. After our breakfast we deceide to shop around for my new toy. Went to a couple of shop and tested out a few brands, before we decided on the olympus E500. What beauty. It's been ages since I held a SLR camera. The first SLRI had was about 28 years ago which I bought with the extra ang pow money received from friends for our wedding . I was a yashica FX3. Everything is new to me. I need to practice to get use to this new baby. At least now I had something to keep me occupied. Got to go now and click away.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Last evening had a good run at the park with my god daughter,snow. Though the sky was gloomy, it did not rain. We did not take the normal route ,which involve some terrain as she complained of some pain on her foot. so we took the outter path which was much easier.
After we had done our run, we went back for our shower and met latter at vivo pizza at Jusco,Bukit tinggi to have our dinner. we had seafood pizza, which was a wrong choice as I did not like it at all. As usual I just enjoyed talking to my girl.
The highlight of the evening was new zealand natural icecream. since it was the 30th of the month there was a 30 per cent off on the ice cream. so we headed to the shop which was located on the 2nd floor ,near the cineplex. There was already a long queue. We had to wait for 45 miniutes or so before we were served. I ordered a large tub of Macadamia and Choc Fudge Brownie, while my daughter had Berryfruit Sorbet and three other favours ,all sorbet.
Since they only allow to mix two flavour per order, she ordered two small tubs. She just wants sorbet and nothing else. For more on sorbets
refer here.
She just dont like anything with milk as mention in my earlier entry here. As for me I still prefer my icecream with milk. The last time I a really nice ice cream was in August, at Hagen Daz.
I have tried most brand but like New zealand much better, I might just join their club. Right now I just want to enjoy my NZ ice cream. More review of the New Zealand natural brand read here.

so many flavours to choose from