Tuesday, September 18, 2018


This year's Malaysia day falls on a sunday. In the past years I usually does a run, maining because my boss always sponsor the run but since this year it falls on a sunday and I have already made pre arrangement to take my favourite person(,who happen to be the body combat and body pump instructor).  for a hike.So a hike it is. I am glad she is one that keep to her promise and as the day approach she did not stand up on me. One more girl was suppose to join me, but she injured her ankle on the eve of the hike so had to pull out. I had made lunch reservation for 3 at the famous beggar chicken restaurant here . Even though I had a few other friends joining the hiking, but all do not want to join us for lunch.
In the end both of us had to finish what was ordered. Anyway it was a good hike and we had a good time. She seems to enjoyed the hike too and I hope to have more adventures with her. Maybe I will get her to do some rock climbing with me next?