Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I never thought I would do another wall climbing again.
The last I did was at the damai wall here  on 21st Sept 2010. The reason I had laid off this sport was I still could not overcome my fear of height. Somehow I did not feel secured up there even though there was a harness around my waist. Funny when I was on top of mountains I have so much fear. Only when I am wall climbing. Why is this so?
Call it fate or destiny ,suddenly I found myself climbing again. I even brought my eldest son along for this climb. I guess my love for wall climbing was rekindled again after I met some hikers a few weeks ago on one of my hikes. They shared about their indoors climbing gym located at Taman Desa Cemerlang. It was not very far from where I stayed.
The name of their gym is called Rock world . I told them I will check it out. So I did. Their rates are cheaper than the one I went back home. However they have only limited high walls compare to those I had climbed before.  Anyway I like the atmosphere here and the people are very friendly.Their tagline "Life is a climb"  They are on facebook too.Do drop by if you are around this area.
I invited my hiking friends to joined me, but all of them seems to have all kind of excuses. So in the end I just went with my son.  I might come back more often to built up my confidence and skill. Meanwhile  I will just  let the photos tell the story here.

my son, enjoying himself

Our Belayer.小黑


  1. Looks like so much fun! I've never try rock climbing before...

  2. Hi Hayley,
    it is fun. you ought to try it. who knows you might even like it.
    Have a nice day my friend

  3. Hey Johnnie,,,you should be real proud of yourself leh.....not many will not that,look at you,still agile and bet you truly enjoyed it,right

  4. Eugene,
    It is my wished to be as nimbleness as possible. compare to those youngsters there I am still far behind. But I do like to do stuff while I am still able, rather than lament later on and say I wished I had done this or that when I was able to. We only live once so make the most of it.

  5. My husband tried before, he said very scary.

  6. Sheoh Yan,
    first few times might be scary, but as time goes by one will get use to it and overcome the fear.
