Saturday, July 24, 2010

Another Trip to Tabur West.

I Cannot remember when it was that I first  hike at Tabur West,however I had revisited Tabur East just two weeks ago. My account can be found here.  Today , I had another memorable and fun hike at Tabur West.
A friend whom I had met on an earlier hike at Tabur East was suppose to lead a team of keen hikers to the other side of Tabur, but at the last minute she could not make it and have given my telephone number to a friend who was to take over her role. I arrived early this morning, as I always do, at our prearranged meeting place, which was a mamak restaurant nearby. At the agreed time all the hikers turn up plus a few new faces. We quickly introduced ourselves and make our way to our destination. As most of them have never been to this side of the mountain, I volunteer to direct them and they followed  from behind. Within a few minutes  we arrived at a place which looks familiar. As soon as I saw the water pipe along the road, I knew we had arrived at the wrong destination. Apparently I must have input the wrong coordination on my gsp.Luckily another girl had also brought along her gsp  with the correct coordination, we arrived at the entrance leading to Tabur West.
Somehow each time whenever we revisit a place it seems much earlier than the first time .Even the trails which   was very challenging appear to be easy the second time round. Today's  trip consist of 8 persons including me .I found this group of hikers had a very good attitude, they were willing to take up the challenge and do not give up easily.There was one girl who had difficulties going down the slope which was not easy. We try to persuade her to use the option which was another route which was much easier, but she was determind to go by the way everybody else was using. After a couple of attempt she finally succeeded in getting down the difficult slope.We started our climb at around 8.10 am and completed around  11.30am  .I just cannot describe the feeling each time I am at the top of the mountain. I felt so at peace and relaxed. When it was time to go down, I had wanted to go back the same way we came up, but the others  wanted to take the short cut through the plantation .The majority had spoken and so it was. This route was not as steep as the tabur east, so it did not hurt my toes this time. The route save us two hours or so.
Although all of us were tired after the trip, but we really enjoyed ourselves and each other's company. After a drink at a nearby stall, we bid each other farewell and hope to meet again in future  hike.
I was suppose to join another hike at broga later in the evening, but had to called up my friend to pull out as I was really tired and my legs were aching.Reach home around 3.00pm had a quick shower and headed for the reflexlogy shop nearby and what a relief after the session.

at peace with nature


  1. Hey bro Johnny dropping and wishing you a great week ahead and god bless,,,,,,

  2. thanks Eugene. You have a great week ahead too.

  3. Hi BB,
    thanks for droping by.yes it was a great sight.
    I have dropped by your blog.nice photos. unfortunately I dont read mandarin, so I can't understand what was written. I can only admire the photos.
