Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Saturday morning, my wife woke me up to inform she wanted to visit our son, in Johore later in the afternoon. so I said ok and went back to sleep. A little while later she complained the Dog had vomitted. so I had to clean up the mess. Could not sleep after that, so started to pack after having my shower. We left Klang at around 2.00pm after having our lunch. It was not a smooth drive as there was an accident along the highway. So finally arrived at Felda Inas plantation, where our son was based.Four hours drive and I was dead tired. Tried to take a nap ,but could not so end up watching some videos. My son works in a palm oil mill which is located deep in the jungle and very , very far from town. So there is nothing one can do except watching Tv. There is no internet connection except in their office. So I took the opportunity to jog , as I was still toying with the idea of taking part in the coming community run in klang which will be held in October 11th 2009. I think I manage to cover about 3.5 km still short of the target of 6km. It had started raining and so I make my way back to the house where we were staying. In the evening it was TV and video again.
We spend a day with him, had dinner together with his boss on sunday night. All too soon we have to leave the following day .I left my laptop with him since he is all alone there and the laptop can at least keep him occupied,,so that he will not be too bored.
We decided to leave in the morning to avoid the traffic jam. We left around 7.40am and reached home at 11.30pm. Seems the trip back are always faster. since I was not tired , spend some time surfing, until in the evening and deceided to go for jogging to prepare for the coming community run in oct. An unexpected thing happen while I was there.
Read it all here.
Wonder why bad news always come one after another? I was informed our company had opt not to give me a contract after my retirement in october , not too long ago and now this??


  1. Hi Johnnie

    Remember Romans 8:28....

    Hang in there..


  2. Paula,
    I do appreciate your coming here and giving words of encouragement. I am so thankful for friends like you.
    God Bless you sister.
