Tuesday, September 1, 2009


To my many friends, my appreciation to you. I wish to say thanks for being my friends and it is my desire we remains friends till eternity. I have been thinking and wondering why some friends choose to cut off ties? I would understand and even respect you if you would at least let me know the reasons why we can't remain friends anymore, but to just disappear without a word is just being iresponsible!. It makes me reliase people can be fake, they say one thing and do another. It changes my view on the human race. It open my eyes to see that people can be deceitful. It caution me now to be more careful whom I consider as friends and not to be too attached with anyone.

But I am thankful and grateful for the handful who still remains faithful friends Thank you my friends.


  1. I hear you loud and clear. This post strikes a chord in my heart because I have had a very very close friend who just cut ties with my entire family...even if his marriage had broken up, we wold love him and stand by him as we had been doing for over 20 years...Yup - such experiences are eye-openers. As such, I live like a hermit...and am thankful for the very few friends I have...take care and God bless you and yours always.

  2. Paula,
    I am glad I am not the only one, facing this. I thought I am being paranoid or over reacting.,but that was how i feel. All this while I have no avenue to express my thoughts .until now that is. we dont know what people do the thing they do,but sometimes we had to accept the decision they made. I had many disappointment, even those I hold dear to my heart do it to me. I am now begining to accept that and reliase no use holding on to the past. thanks for sharing your story too.
    take care and God Bless my friend.
