After postponing for so long, finally was able to make it to Bangkok on 9th November, 2009.My wife who was suppose to travelled with me, could not join me due to leave problem, so it was me all alone. At the airport to meet me was Nuch a family friend.
I must confessed the first night at the hotel was not to my expectation. sure I have slept in worst places before,but this was suppose to be a vacation(or so I thought) the bed was rather hard and I did not get a good night sleep. when my friend came the next morning and saw the room, she was so Apologetic(actually she did not book the room, but her friend did on her behalf) and request I changed to another hotel ,which was just next door. It was much better, although cost much more ,but it was comfortable. Anyway the next day after having breakfast together at the hotel,where stayed, she dropped me together with her son at weekend market .The young lad was amazing and braved for a guy his age. He is only 9. after going around for a short period, we received a call from his mother saying there was a changed of plan, as another friend of hers had invited us for her birthday party and she will pick us up in half an hour's time. when we seems lost,my young guide have no problem (without my prompting) asking for direction to get to the main road.
When we arrived at the friend's place which was the outskirt of Bangkok, only then did I RealizeI was going to be their guinea pig, for some loss hair I sat through the process which lasted some 45 mins or so. Then it was time to eat, we drove to town and had sea food . After some karoke session, it was time to take leave as it was getting late and I was tired ,plus the fact I did not have a good rest the day before.
sunday was the day I was looking forward to, it was a day I was to meet my friend whom I met on tagged and facebook and it will be our first meeting.
we had agreed to meet up at MBK(ma boon kon) mall. I was early so I walked around the mall until her arrival at 12.30pm. we had lunch, then we headed for the muzuem. it started raining heavily.the first time it rained since my arrival at Bangkok.
In the evening,we had dinner at suan nam night bazaar, walked a bit before I called it a day, as I had an early morning flight the next day, and I did not want to take too much of my friend's time.
It was quite an experience being my first trip in Bangkok, but I prefer Hatyai,as I was more familiar with the town and it was not difficult to walk around to places I wanted to go to.
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