Saturday, October 3, 2009


Just retired from WSS after 14 good years. Actually the official date is oct 6th, my birthday, but I took unpaid leave so yesterday was my last day at work.
So many people wonder why I was in a hurry to find a job. Why not relax and enjoyed my retirement for awhile before I begin to look for one. Well I am not use to being jobless. I feel so helpless with nothing to do, plus the fact there wont be much left of my EPF after paying off some commitment etc.
I had my first interview - a group interview, which was a first for me. It was a totally new experience. only 4 candidates came for the group interview. we were given a presentation on the company, before each of us was even 5 minutes to briefly tell those present what our job was and our achievements. There after we were given a case study to ask some questions. just like exams and do I hate exams.I dont think I did too well there.This is one interview I wont forget .oh well there is always other interviews and I will be attending another one on monday. Hope it wont be torturing like the last one.


  1. haha, good experience, keep it up! God always give you the best!

  2. Jane. thanks for the encouraging words.
