Sunday, November 27, 2011


I was awake by my wife this morning around 6.30am. She brought baby Darissa into my room as she wanted to go to the toilet and later to clean the house.  It's the grandparent's turn to take care of the baby, as her parent have been kept awake all night and they need to catch some sleep.  Darissa had been staying with her other grand parent(on her mum's side) since the day she was born. She came back after her full moon and since I am back for the week end I am doing my bit to take care of her.
It's been almost 29 years since I last take care of a baby and I have to relearnt everything all over again. I did not do a good job with Darissa's father, I guess this is the time I will have to redeem myself.
Ok when baby cries it could either means she is wet or hungry. So that  ought to be easy to remember.
It is true what they says a cute is only as cute as they can be until they cry. I rediscovered that truth again.
Seems that is their secret weapon. My cute granddaughter drives me nuts at time. She does not know the meaning of patient, she will just wailed whenever she finds convenience. She knows no time. My second son complaint she cries is lounder than a siren. Anyway I think since they can't talk  yet, that is the only way to get attention for just about anything: when she has done her business, hungry(most of the time for this) and when she is uncomfortable. One thing  I got to admit she sure shows who is the boss around. Everybody will drop what they are doing when she let out her war cries.

yes, I am the boss

What I want, I get pronto


  1. New born babies are usually like that.. Hang in there ;)

  2. wah.. you r a cool grandpa who writes cool blog! =)

  3. Oh yes, I love baby everything, except the crying moments. Hahaha!

    My 'crying moments' has been upgraded to 'fighting moments' whereby the cries now are, "Mummy..... he pinched me!" and "Mummy..... she slapped me!".

  4. Hayley,
    you spoke like got experience like that. lol.thanks for the encouragement

  5. Yvonne,
    At least at this age they can talk and tell you what they want rather than you guessing it. This is another stage of babyhood. Treasure these moments, because very soon they will be grown up and leave the nest.Then the house will be quite and you will wished they were around with all the noise and screaming.

  6. I love new born babies, they smell nice, and they are angels. Wait till they can talk, they are monsters. Hehehehe.

  7. Sheoh Yan,
    I like your comments. I think you should know better right.? he he.
