It has being a wonderful tool, but at the same time I wonder if it has also brought inconvenience at time. Before you disagree, hear me out.
You are busy in the office and suddenly your phone ring, and the caller asked is that Mr. or Ms so and so and you answer yes. Then the caller continued to inform you they are from such and such company and would like to extend you a free invitation for a stay at a certain star hotel. Sound familiar?? Such telemarketeers are very common now a days,especially those selling credit cards.
In the past I have been very patient and hear them out, but these days I could tell it is some kind of sales people the moment I answer them and so cut the conversation short and tell them I was not interested.Was I being rude ?? I do reliase they are just doing their job and I sure would not want people to cut me off like that if I were in their shoes? On the other hand if I don't I would end up buying something I would regret later on.
What are your views?
I received those calls many times already.. normally i cut them short by saying, excuse me, sorry, i m working right now and i m not interested .. that will end the calls..
ReplyDeleteReanaclaire. I guess i will have to be more firm when handling sych calls in future. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week end ahead