Thursday, August 30, 2012


Yesterday was my last day at my work place. It was really a surprise when I came back from my round at the factory, the staff had prepared a little surprise for me. I was really touched by their action. I guess when you treat people nice, they will  receiprocate.
I always remember their birthdays and celebrate with them. I had been doing that even in my last office.

with some of the office staff

A shirt and a pant.

The evening before that there was a farewell dinner for me.

I came as their boss, and I like to believe I left as their friends. Some of them posted on my facebook how they missed me already. That is some of the little things in life that makes us feel satisfied.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Sorry Im not gonna do what you want me to do.
Can you imagine I still got a couple of days to go, this moron of a GM wants me to move my things to another place before I leave.
Are you kidding me I am still an employee until I leave why are you such a hurry to get me out?  If I moved my things how am I gonna use them whilst I am still here huh? you expect me to sleep on the floor is it?  You want me to take the tv , how am I  going to pass my time after work? Actually he had already asked me to move some of  big items since a couple of weeks ago, but  I ignored him but yesterday he reminded me again. 
Even all my staff were shocked to learnt about what happen.  Anyway I will hand over the house keys on  my last day and you can do what you want
after that for all I care. Today I leave for home with my last load of my belongings and will return on Monday and then on wednesday I will take a flight back home .
Then it's goodbye johor and to that inhuman and heartless guy.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


The writer of this article says we should kiss more often.  So couple here is more reason you should do it more often.Read on.

This is why you should kiss more

Bonobo monkeys do it… birds do it… even moose and elephants do it. The Kama Sutra even lists 30 ways to do it so why aren’t we all doing more kissing and reaping its many healthy benefits?
So yes, our mouths are a hell-hole of bacteria. And admittedly, science does prove that when two people kiss they unwittingly exchange between 10 million to 1 billion bacteria – the statistics are gross!
Hygiene aside, the act of kissing is actually very beneficial to the human psyche as well as the human body.
Gets up your defences
That problem about the bacteria? Turns out, it’s not a problem after all. By actively exchanging bacteria during a kiss, you are inadvertently stimulating your internal defence mechanism and effectively boosting your immune system in the process.
Sparkling pearly whites
And while we’re still in the mouth region, you will be happy to know kissing is good for your teeth. Studies have repeatedly shown that the anticipation of a kiss increases the flow of saliva to the mouth that in fact helps dispense plaque and neutralise the acidic content of the mouth thus helping to prevent tooth decay.
Lose weight and look young
To all weight-watches out there, research claims that three passionate kisses a day (really put your heart and soul into it and make it last 20 seconds) can help you lose approximately half a kilogram in weight – that’s one pound for those of us who still think in Imperial measurements. Apparently kissing burns 2-3 calories a minute and if it’s a passionate kiss, 29 facial muscles also go into motion to exercise away fine lines and wrinkles. Move over, Jane Fonda!
Heart skips a beat
No, you won’t suffer heart palpitations but you will experience a thrilling adrenalin spike that makes your heart pump more blood into your body. It’s scientifically proven that frequent kissing helps stabilise cardiovascular activity, decrease blood pressure and reduce cholesterol.
Bumps up your circulatory system
Which would you prefer – mowing the lawn or a long drawn-out kiss with the one you love? Studies show that kissing can up your pulse rate to 110 beats per minute while giving your lungs a great workout as you take 60 inhales per minute compared to the measly 20 inhales when not in kiss-mode.
Puts you on Cloud 9
Kissing and happy hormones go together like love and marriage. While sinking into the thrill of a kiss, our brains get signalled to produce oxytocin, a feel-good hormone. Rushing in to gatecrash this hormone party is Dopamine that will soon get you feeling euphoric. It has also been proven that kissing produces a substance 200 times more powerful than morphine in terms of its narcotic effect.
Works as a stress-buster
Kissing lowers your levels of cortisol, a hormone directly associated with stress. Kissing also induces many of the same helpful brain waves and chemistry changes that meditation brings about. So take your pick – you can either engage in some pretty heavy-duty kissing or pull away for some quiet meditation on your own. No prizes for which most would choose.

article taken from here


This post is just in jest and not to insult  anyone. Anyway the weekend is almost here. Have a laugh.

When Charles de Gaulle decided to retire from public life, the British
ambassador and his wife threw a gala dinner party in his honour.

At the dinner table, the Ambassador's wife was talking with Madame de

"Your husband has been such a prominent public figure, such a presence
on the French and international scene for so many years! How will quiet
retirement  seem in comparison? What are you most looking forward
to in these retirement years?"

"Hard penis! just hard penis!" replied Madame de Gaulle.

A huge hush fell over the table.
Everyone heard her answer...... and no one knew what to say next.

Le Grand Charles leaned over to his wife and said: 
"Ma cherie, I believe ze English pronounce zat word, "happiness!'"

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Take a moment to read this as this is very important and it will affect all of us who are on line.

What is Section 114A?
Section 114A is the second of two amendments made to Malaysia’s Evidence Act 1950.
Law Minister Nazri Aziz tabled the second amendment, formally known as Evidence (Amendment) (No2) Act 2012, in Dewan Rakyat on 18 April. James Dawos Mamit supported the motion, and Section 114A was passed after the second and third reading. On 9 May, Dewan Negara passed the amendment.
The amendment was gazetted on 31 July 2012. This means the law is now operational.

Read the full report from Zorro here

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I always thought Humphy Dumpty was an Egg, and Mary was refering to her flowers in her garden. But accordingly to this article below they are not what we  had been led to believe. After this reading
article, reading nursery rhymes will not be the same again. Good or bad I leave it to you.

article taken from here: by sandra John

My father gave me a beautifully illustrated book of rhymes for my sixth birthday that I loved dearly. It stayed in the family for years, its delicate pages turned by many after me till the worn and tattered pages broke free from the binding and collected in haphazard piles all around our home.
The book is all but gone now but its lovely sing-song rhymes are still vivid in my memory and roll off my tongue easily to this day.
However as an adult, I’ve wondered at the peculiar stories of those rhymes. Some were downright violent and others unfolded like disjointed events in a dream. Imagine my fascination when I learned that rhymes were used as a sort of satire on royal and political events many centuries ago, since to criticise openly usually meant death. Here are six of the most common with rather outlandish historical backgrounds.
Mary, Mary quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silverbells and cockleshells
and pretty maids all in a row

Now this one is pretty gruesome. Far from the beautiful maiden I see in my mind’s eye surrounded by beautiful blossoms in her garden, the Mary referred to here is believed to be Mary Tudor, the daughter of Henry VIII. She was also known as ‘Bloody Mary’, the staunch Catholic Queen of England who tortured Protestants with instruments like cockleshells and thumbscrews. The ‘garden’ is believed to be the mass graveyard she buried them in when they died. Some have attributed the line ‘How does your garden grow?’ as a sarcastic reference to her being barren while ‘pretty maids all in a row’ refer to the many virgins ready to take her place and give the king an heir. Either way, it does not a pretty picture make.
Ring a Ring O’ Rosies, a pocket full o’ posies
Atishoo, atishoo we all fall down

This nursery rhyme is sad and tells of a dismal time in London when the Great Bubonic Plague killed almost half the population in 1665. The ‘ring of roses’ refers to a body rash in the shape of a ring that people contracted while ‘pocket full o’ posies’ were the herbs people shoved into their pockets in hopes to ward off the infection. ‘Atishoo’ references the sneezing the infection brought on and ‘all fall down’ unfortunately refers to the death they eventually succumbed to.

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after

Probably the most memorable of nursery rhymes but just as dark as the ones before. French historians say Jack most likely refers to King Louis XVI who was beheaded during the infamous Reign of Terror, hence he ‘lost his crown’. ‘Jill came tumbling after’ speaks of his Queen, Marie Antoinette who suffered the same fate at the guillotine later.

Three blind mice, three blind mice
See how they run, see how they run
They all ran after the farmer’s wife
Who cut off their tails with a carving knife
Did you ever see such a thing in your life
As three blind mice?

Kids learn this tune in school when playing the recorder or piano but oh, what a gruesome story lurks behind it. The ‘farmer’s wife’ is thought to be Queen Mary (yes, Bloody Mary the staunch Catholic). She pops up again in this rhyme where her status as ‘farmer’s wife’ refers to the massive estates she and husband King Philip of Spain owned. The ‘three blind mice’ were three Protestant noblemen who were convicted for plotting against her. But as history goes, she did not dismember them as in the rhyme. Worse – she burnt them at the stake.
Humpty Dumpty sat on wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again

So I grew up thinking he was an egg – turns out Humpty Dumpty was the name given to a great cannon that protected St. Mary’s Church. This was during the English Civil War of 1642-1649. Perched on a high wall within the church grounds, Humpty Dumpty was blown off its perch by invading forces during an attack. The soldiers scrambled desperately to lift the hefty cannon back up, but this was difficult as it was so heavy and they were being slaughtered by the dozens. Finally the weary soldiers had to surrender, having failed in getting Humpty Dumpty working again.
I, for one, am relieved that I only know of these stories now. I cannot imagine how my little innocent head would have taken to these tales of horror had I known them as a child. Cliché as it is, sometimes ignorance is bliss!

Useful link here: