I was looking forward the whole of last week , as it will be my first outting with my beloved god daughter.She had indicated she wanted to go for sure and there is no other plan and I was keeping my fingers crossed she would not changed her mind at the eleventh hour. Then the day came and guess what greet me on that day? A heavy shower.On any other day it will be a welcome as it that is the best condition to continue my sleep, but not on my day when I was looking forward to finally be able to go on an outting with my girl.After two failed trips due to unforseen circumstances, this don't seem to look good and I prayed for the rain to stop and God heard my plead and it stop(for a while). Normally after a heavy rain it is advisable not to go to any water fall and since we were not sure if it rain near the waterfall area,I called up my friend Jason, who called william,the organiser to check. It was agreed we proceed to the waterfall and check it out. During our journey to our destination there was Intermittent rain, which does not give us much hope and so I prayed a silent prayer to God and said it was not funny at all seeing I was looking forward to this trip plus it was also my daughter's anxious trip. now's that she was in the car. After a few stops for some light meals and to ease ourself we arrived at the chilling fish santuary center, it dizzling for a while and when we arrive at the ranger station ,the sun came up. we were ever so happy to see the sun. After almost an hour and half we finally arrive at the waterfall. Some of the gangs waste no time to dip into the icy water. Here are some of the photos taken during the trip.
For those who have never been to chiling before the Chiling Falls are probably the most beautiful waterfalls of Selangor. They can be reached after an adventurous trek along the river, which has to be crossed many times. To reach the trail head, you take the road from Kuala Kubu Baru to the Gap. After passing the Selangor Dam, you cross the bridge on the Chiling river. Just after this bridge you can park you car. Follow the road for about 100 meter, the trail head is clearly indicated. Soon you will arrive an open field beside the river, with some buildings and a campsite, maintained by the Fisheries department.For more information read here.
It was fun , but I did not like the river crossing part one bit, because I felled into one in one of my earlier trip elsewhere. It was not fun to be wet ,plus all your stuff soaked. Good thing I manage to keep my phone and camera dry until I reached home. With that bad experience you can understand how I feel about river crossing.
Anyway it was fun and I must thank my friend william for organising it. see the event posting here.
Oh yes, I also wished to acknowledge my friend Jason, for the ride to our destination and back. Of course my precious for accompany me and making it a memorable trip.
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